Friday, October 17, 2008

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Final Impressions for Fall Course

I found the first online course to be excellent at introducing me to new, applicable technological tools and then giving my the time and confidence to actually be able to use them. Many times I find things that I think might be helpful and cool but don't take the time to actually use them. This course was great because it allowed me to be proficient enough to expand the use of the technology on my own.

Yes, I have taken an online course before but they were much more convoluted than this. This is the first online course I have taken that was purely about technology- usually I have taken course based on science or teaching.

I think everything worked well. I liked blogging and reading other people's blogs. Again, I also liked the nice pace of being introduced to new technology and then having time to use it.

The only problem I had was waiting for people to catch up so that I could complete the chapters (I needed to leave feedback on at least two people's blogs...)

I think the structure was extremely appropriate and I would love to take a class with the same structure in the future.

Yes, the content was appropriate. Again, I thought all parts of the course were useful and many of the features I am using daily or plan to use with my classes next year (blogging).

Lori was very accessible and answered questions quickly even on weekends.

I don't haven any suggestions on how to improve future online courses other than just having more courses available (I realize this is not an easy feat).

* Would you recommend this course to others? Why or why not?
Yes, I would (and have) recommended this course to others because of the great deal of useful items I have learned as well as the convenience and flexibility of taking an online class; many of the chapters I finished in the wee hours of the morning while my wife and kids were sleeping.

Yes, I would definitely take another online course because of the convenience of when I did my work as well as the collaboration that I had with my classmates.

I would like to see a class, or a section of a class, on video podcasts; once I learned how to do video podcasts I could not only share more of my weekend and summer travels with my students but also teach and empower them to make their own segments to share with their classmates and me.

Once again, thank you for a wonderful class, Lori! I learned a lot and use a great deal daily.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Welcome students!

Hello Earth science students. I would like to try to blog about science so that we can all spend more time outside the school day thinking about science and how it applies to your life.

Please post a reply about something in your life that you have found affected by Earth science. I will get the ball rolling...I found mica in my toothpaste! Yes, the mineral is in the gel as a gentle abrasive to polish up my pearly whites.

Now I know what you are thinking- Earth science doesn't affect my life- but it does! From the sun to the soil, Earth science is all around you. Please be observant and then post your thoughts, plus I will give you a bit of extra credit. Find any cool sites? Forward them along!

When you post please identify yourself by entering your first name and last initial only so that I will be able to identify you but no creepy outsiders will know who you are.

Rock on!