Monday, April 7, 2008

Welcome students!

Hello Earth science students. I would like to try to blog about science so that we can all spend more time outside the school day thinking about science and how it applies to your life.

Please post a reply about something in your life that you have found affected by Earth science. I will get the ball rolling...I found mica in my toothpaste! Yes, the mineral is in the gel as a gentle abrasive to polish up my pearly whites.

Now I know what you are thinking- Earth science doesn't affect my life- but it does! From the sun to the soil, Earth science is all around you. Please be observant and then post your thoughts, plus I will give you a bit of extra credit. Find any cool sites? Forward them along!

When you post please identify yourself by entering your first name and last initial only so that I will be able to identify you but no creepy outsiders will know who you are.

Rock on!