Friday, October 19, 2007

Blogging Reflections

I am very interested in getting classroom blog discussion up and running. I hope to introduce it in the second quarter of this year and am thinking of thought provoking posts (say that five times, fast) so that my students will be itching to weigh in with their two cents. I definitely feel that there is a place in my classroom for blogging as it will get students to think about science outside the classroom and then focus their thoughts in a coherent post. This will allow the more "vocal" students to share their opinions without any time constraints normally present in the classroom setting.

I see myself using blogs to discuss erosion around town during November and hope students will share their erosion observations (hopefully through the use of digital pictures). I will then steer the blog into an environmental discussion where students can delve into how important soil is and yet how easy it is to lose to natural events.


Unknown said...

I think these are GREAT ideas, Brian! I hope you'll share your classroom blog link with me. I'd love to see what your students blog about.

ksnyder said...

I am amazed at the amount of weathering done by water on the new high school stairs (cracks forming for water to get into) and where the pieces of curb meet. The mortar is crumbling where the pieces of curb join.
Weathering= BREAKDOWN.

Harriet said...

I think that blogging for the students in respect to their curriculum is a wonderful idea. Not only will they learn in the classroom but they will be able to discuss their thoughts and feelings to you on many different subjects. Maybe this will take the "Frost wedge" or erosion factor to new heights.

jcain6 said...

I love your idea of sharing your blog with classes from other areas to discuss weathering and it's effects. You are my weatherman, whenever I see those giant Cumulus Clouds over the lake, you are the first person I think of!!

Molly J said...

It is great to see blogging being used to expand the horizons of science. When I was in high school; (back in the Stone Age), science was my least favorite subject. I would have been a much more active learner had I had a teacher like you who would be willing to introduce new technology into the classroom. Great job, Brian!