Sunday, November 11, 2007

A Time for Reflection 3

As I reflect back on the School 2.0 strand (and this course in general) I realize that I need to push myself to learn more about technology and how it can be used to help my student learn and think about science. I like the fact that technology is so integrated into the lives of our students that their use of computers is just part of their normal life and not a "special trip" to the school computer(s) as it was when I was a kid (I am a first generation Oregon Trail gamer!). Now I need to push myself to start adopting technology in my teaching, I just want to make sure I am doing it for the students' sake and not technology's sake. I would like to start teaching my Regents Earth Science kids by using PowerPoint and my LCD projector (as I do in my EMT class) instead of using the overhead as I do now but don't know how they would take notes; I realize that viewing ppt presentations is very "Web 1.0" but I have to start somewhere, right? I would also like to try out a "class blog question of the week" and see how kids take to it. I wonder if they will read and post or just ignore it. Another thing I would like to do is to have my wiki page start to take form. This seems like an easy and effective way to differentiate, and possibly provide extra credit, for the faster kids.

What I will do differently as a result of this class is to start
my journey into using technology in my classroom. I need to keep learning (how do you embed a youtube video in a ppt?, etc...); I love learning new "stuff", it just takes time.

I feel that Lori did an outstanding job putting together a great class that could be done at school or at home. Every topic opened my mind to new technologies and possibilities to saturate my kids with science without them realizing it. Thanks Lori!


Kathy N said...

I know what you mean when you wonder if applying this new technology to the classroom will add to the student's learning in a significant way. It is such a change from the traditional style and it will be labor intensive for the teacher setting it all up. I wonder if some of the kids would be willing to set up some projects?
One thing I am sure of is that it will spark interest in the students who are bored with the note-taking and fill-in-the-blank worksheets.
It is definately a challenge but the step has to be taken if we want to keep up. The wiki idea is the best. I know of a person who is doing MRI's in labs at two universities and the wiki is how they exchange information and pass on ideas to new employees.

Harriet said...

I agee with you when you say that technology is so incorporated into ours lives and we didn't even see it coming. I like your idea of the class blog question of the week and I think that the students will really enjoy stepping outside of the box of the normal day to day note taking. I hope that you will be pleasantly surprise as to how many of the students will respond to this activity and really flourish. Perhaps you could even have extra credit assignments for your students allowing them come up with new ideas for projects.

Kathy N said...

You have the enthusiasm needed to move forward using technolgy to enhance your classes. I think you should give it a try, maybe in an area of content where you feel the students would be most receptive. Let them help you!
I often question the benefit of using these tools to teach, but I am a dinosaur trying to adapt too. It is overwhelming, but is definitely necessary. People really are expected to know how to use blogs, wikis and podcasts on the job and in their personal lives (according to my siblings and children who all work in the business world). When the 2.0 school comes to pass, and it will, our students will then be the parents that will be part of the "wheel".
Your idea of a blog question of the week, along with your wiki are great ones. It will get your feet wet and will give you something to expand upon. Useing them as a bonus for students for some extra credit will help the lower kids too, as many of them need the extra credit even more than the advanced students!

ksnyder said...

We definately have to build on what we have and integrate new technologies into the classrooms now. I think it is fantastic that you are one of the forerunners.How can we get other teachers to see it's value? How could we use the School 2.0 as a springboard for discussion?
I really believe that kids would be more on task if they were using technology, instead of being glued to the chair, listening to the teacher. When students are involved, they take more ownership and responsibility for their learning. It gives them a pride in themselves and increases their self esteem. I know I have increased my self esteem from taking this class. It was a huge stretch, which I wasn't sure was possible, but here I am on the last lesson!

indak said...

I liked the idea of a blog question of the week. What a great way to ease into a classroom blog. Maybe if you offered credit to anyone who responds to get them interested. If you do this let us know how it goes.

jcain6 said...

you could do some really cool Earth Science using the tools we have learned in this course. How fun would it be to do a moonwalk simulation, or explore the planets by traveling to outerspace! The students would love it! I bet your class would become the most popular one in the school(don't tell the others)! Between your love for Earth Science and the cool things you could do with blogs, wiki's, etc. It could be amazing!

LadySaint said...

Yes! There's so much more for us to learn, but I like your attitude. It does begin with us! One point about trying to learn what we need (like putting a YouTube into a power point) is that we can, like Kevin Honeycutt said, just jump in. The kids already know how to do some of this stuff -- or at least they're not fearful of messing up the computer and will "play around" until they get it. If you don't know how to do it, maybe one of the students does! Wouldn't that make a kid just feel amazingly special to be able to help the teacher do something totally new? (And not only CAN'T I embed a youtube video, I never even THOUGHT about the concept. Cool idea!)

Julie said...

I really agree with you when you talk about needing to push yourself into learning about technology. I was not only pre Oregon trail, but pre calculator (at least unitl college. When I think of how much I have to learn that today's kid's seem to be born with I feel overwhelmed. That's why a course like this is so helpful. The possiblities outweigh the fears. If you decide to do a test project or lesson next year, I'd love to have the AIS ES students be a part of it.